Tuesday, November 5, 2013

To a young man standing in front of a public art installation staring intently and jabbing furiously at his phone I said, "If you had a girlfriend she'd be missing you." Maybe that's why they wear headphones.
Tonight he said, "I'm gonna paint this town BLUE! Believe in Humanity!!!"  I rolled my eyes. "The saying is, I'm going to paint the town RED. Remember when red was your favorite color?" I guess I'll see him next crawling into bed at 4am. :P

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Who picks up the pieces when the portal thingie is hacked down?  Who has the shoulder to cry on when they are all out of level 9 bombs?  Who hears about the arch nemesis "PurpleAstroGlyph" destroying the farm and taking out all of the portals?  We are here.  We are real.

Share your own story below.
What is your Ingress Widow/er story? Share in the comments, or contact me to guest blog!
How many times have you had to ask them not to Ingress during a date?
Has your route home changed due to portal locations?
Does your S.O. talk about XM like it's real?
Does your S.O. talk about their strategy and their gear as if you know what they are talking about?
Is Candy Crush your therapy app?
Today was some big tournament for the people who play Ingress.  We could have been doing laundry together, or organizing our basement storage.  We could have been building our life together... but instead I am here.  Alone.  So, for the first time, I took my lament into public!  Here are some of the photos: